Beauty Secrets And Tips

I never get sick of hearing about peoples beauty tricks. From celebrities, to friends, to your own mother, you can learn a lot about new ways to keep you looking and feeling more healthy. Here's a few tricks of the trade I've come to love and a couple products that are among my favorite as well!
Coconut Oil -

I'm sure you've heard time and time again that coconut oil is good for you. But if you look up the benefits you'll be amazed at how it can improve every part of your body from your hair down to your digestive system. I use Crisco's brand which can be found at any local supermarket. I've started adding it to my tea in the morning, which I thought would taste gross but it doesn't at all! In fact if anything it mutes the strength of the tea taste and goes down smoother. A quick and easy way to add coconut oil into your diet.
Add Eye drops to your Mascara -

I feel like my mascara has a pretty quick shelf life, or can get dried out before I know it's really done. Adding 1 or 2 drops of eye drops to the bottle and shaking it up will get it right back to being good as new. Don't substitute eye drops for water though, as that will cause your mascara to flake or smudge.
Eat more Almonds -

While almonds are commonly known for being high in protein, fiber, calcium and Vitamin E, it's also amazing for your skin! Whenever I feel a break out coming on or my skin is acting up, I make sure to eat a handful of almonds more often. I keep a jar of whole, all natural almonds in my kitchen and dip into it a couple times a day.
Wash Your Pillow Cases More Often -

Washing your sheets as much as you want to (or should) can be a complete pain. Especially in NYC where most likely you don't have your own washer and dryer. But I make SURE whenever I do a load of laundry to at least include my pillow cases every time. They house tons of dirt and oil which transfers to your skin when you sleep.
Use Thickening Balm For Thin Hair -

Everybody wants more volume in their hair (well, most, unless you were born super lucky). Along with buying volumizing shampoo I love to use a good thickening balm. I recently got a Dear Clark sample in my BirchBox and it's been my favorite. Work generously into your towel-dried hair, starting at your roots and making your way toward the ends for a fuller looking head of hair.
Ditch Waxing for Threading -

If you're like me and you have sensative skin, threading is your new best friend. Most salons that offer eyebrow waxing will offer threading now. It's a more precise control in shaping your brows and is gentler on the skin.
Make Time For A Face Mask -

I don't usually have the time OR the money for a facial. Face masks are a quick and affordable way to keep your skin in check. Make sure to buy a tube for an area you need the most help with (clogged pores, dry skin, brightening, etc.) and make a routine to apply it once a week when you know you'll have some time before bed.
Hope I got to teach you some tricks you haven't heard of before! Who knows, maybe you won't even need to use them cause in the future they'll be a pill you can pop and you'll look and feel 20 again. Until then, enjoy these tips, and thanks for reading!